Three Days training programme on textile and apparel designing were organized for SHGs farm women at Krishi Vigyan Kendra Pokharni Nanded-I. The organizer of the training was Ms.Alka Pawle, Scientist (Home Science). 23 women have been trained in Machine Embroidery (textile and apparel designing) and from this the trainees can use this skill-based training to create opportunities for home industries, small scale industries. Also, it is used for the women to produce various types of items like handkerchiefs, dress materials, bed sheets, scarves and drapes. Industry opportunity can be available by making. On the last day of the training, Distributed the Certificate to trainees. At that time the Dr. S. D. More Director KVK Nanded-I, Dr. Devikant Deshmukh Senior Scientist and Head, Mr. Manik Kalyankar Scientist (Plant Protection) and Dr. Mahesh Ambore Scientist (Veterinary Science) also guided the trainees during the training.