Natural/Organic Farming Research, Demonstration, Input Generation Projects and Training under Dr Panjabrao Deshmukh Natural Farming Mission Akola

Demonstration to be conducted on the premises of Krishi Vigyan Kendra Pokharni Nanded. 1) Organic farming and natural farming crop demonstration will be conducted on a total area of 2 hectares. 2) Demonstration area of 0.40 hectare biological control of root rot on turmeric crop in demonstration. 3) Humani pest control demonstration area in sugarcane crop 0.40 ha. 4) Demonstration area of 0.40 ha for biological pest and disease control in soybean and gram. 5) Demonstration area of biological nutrient management in wheat crop 0.40 ha. 6) Demonstration area of 0.40 ha for biological control of pests and diseases in vegetable crops. 7) Solid planting of saffron in a biological fence demonstration on a 2 hectare embankment.

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